Frequently asked questions
What happens, when i have placed my order?
When your order is completed, you will receive an order confirmation on the screen immediately, as well as the same order confirmation in your e-mail. It is therefore important that you check your receipt thoroughly for any errors and notify us as soon as possible in the event of an error.
How long does it take, for my order to get delivered?
We strive to deliver all orders within 3-6 days. During busy periods, an extra day delivery time may occur in some cases. We are known for fast delivery and do everything we can to comply with this! However, in some cases there may be backorders and if this happens, we will immediately inform you about this.
Can i make changes to my order?
If you would like to make changes to your order, please contact us via email: If your order is already packed or shipped, it is not possible to make changes. It is not possible to add products to your order.
Can I cancel my order?
You can, as long as the package is not packed or shipped. Contact our customer service and have your order number ready.
How do i return an item?
We have created a safe and easy return portal that you can follow to make a return to us. Click HERE.
I just opened my package and there is a wrong / defective item – what to do?
Of course, we are very sorry if you have received a defective, dirty or incorrect item. However, if this is the case, you must return the item in the original packaging as soon as possible. If necessary contact us via our Chatbot.
Contact us via email
You can get help, advice and guidance by sending an email to here our badminton-experts are ready to give you personalised advice.